Sunday worship is at 9:00 & 11:00am Traditions that Comfort, Challenge, and Inspire
-Communion is served on the 1st & 3rd Sundays each month, and is open to everyone
-We love kids! Children are welcome in worship, the nursery and the Sensory Sanctuary. The Sensory Sanctuary is a space where families living with atypical developmental and sensory needs are able to worship in a relaxed and conducive environment.
-Children's Time with a message or activity to engage them with a lesson
-Sunday School for PreK - 5th graders each Sunday at 10:10am
-Coffee Fellowship between services (10:00-11:00am)
-Handicap Accessible parking and entrance, along an elevator with access to each floor.
More information is available under the "Home" and "Message for Visitors" tab
All singers are welcome! You don't even need to know how to read music. If interested in joining the choir, contact the church office and leave a message for the Choir Director, Jill Thomas, at 715-246-2464.
The choir sings during worship, September thru May Warm-up each Sunday at 8:15am and Rehearsal each Sunday at 10:15am.
The choir holds a Christmas Concert in December and a Spring Concert in April. Both will have special music from various artists.